How to Combat Acidity?
CholeyBhature, Yes! VadaPav, Yes! GolGappe, Yes! Butter Chicken, Yes! Chinese, Yes! ACIDITY, YESSS! Our hectic lifestyle paves the way for acidity as we prefer to consume junk instead of healthy food products. Heartburn, bloating, burning sensation in chest, heaviness in abdomen, are some of the common symptoms of acidity. Acidity, if left untreated, can lead to chronic and serious problems like GERD, ulcers, Esophageal Stricture, etc. Let us try to understand what causes this problem and how to cure it: What Causes Acidity? There are numerous triggering factors for acidity. Here are some of the common factors: Excessive or over eating. Irregular eating timings or skipping meals Alcohol consumption. Spicy food, fast food,canned and preserved food products. Side effect of consumi...