4 Ayurvedic miracles your kitchen offers

Peep into your kitchen and you will see it stuffed with Ayurvedic treatments, medicines and secrets that can give you the best of health, hygiene and good life. Indian kitchens have always held these treasures of Ayurveda and few of them are listed :

·         GINGER

Every time you ask for tea, ginger is a must! But this shapeless root containsremarkable medicinal benefits too. Ginger is a super food as it helps in digestion by improving the secretion of digestive enzymes, relieves joint pain and hiccups, reduces inflammation andis the best cure for cold and cough (who can forget 'adrakwali chai'?). Considered as “Satvik” in Ayurveda, ginger is also used to make medicines.So the next time you make that cup of tea, add a good amount of ginger to it!

 ·         LEMON

Lemons in summer are a fine treat. But did you know this round yellow citrus fruit has many Ayurvedic benefits? Lemon has a high amountof Vitamin C andpotassium. It also helps in relieving cough, soothing the throat,fighting indigestion andexcessive thirst and fixes bad breath too. Lemon and honey with warm water in the morning does wonders to cleanse your body, increase metabolism and lose those extra inches. For uneasy stomach and vomiting, lemon mixed with salt is an effectivecure. Therefore lemonade is not the only thing you get from lemons!

 ·         TURMERIC

Adding goodness to the food plate is the yellow powder called turmeric. Rich in antioxidants, turmeric balances cholesterol levels, detoxifies the liver, stimulates digestion, balances metabolism and boosts immunity. It has a healing power to cure allergies (remember when grandma gave you “haldiwaladoodh”). Turmeric enhances skin complexion and brightens it up. Its medicinal uses include remedies for asthma, burns, anaemia, dental problems, diabetes and conjunctivitis. So this root has a lot to offer in terms of Ayurveda!

 ·         BLACK PEPPER

“Aaachuuuu” is the expression when you sniff it, but theselittle seeds have notable benefits. Black Pepper is an age old spice felicitating our platter with its qualities. It improves digestion, assists in weight loss, cures sore throat and provides respiratory relief. This antioxidant and antibacterial ball helps in curing asthma, nasal congestion and reduces the risk of cancer, liver, heart diseases and treats peptic ulcers. It improves cognitive function of the body and has medicinal uses. So it isn’t just a flavouring spice but an ayurvedic remedy.
 These were just four of that long list of magic wands present in your kitchen. An Indian kitchen is full of such countless surprises. Turn to Ayurveda, explore these hidden benefits and there you go… living a good and healthy life!

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