
Showing posts from February, 2019

Get Rid of Your Pain Permanently with Ayurveda

Any Pain is the body is an indication that something is wrong with our body. Ayurveda,  the time-tested medical tradition of India offers numerous solutions for various types of pains. Ayurveda is a remarkable therapy of healing from ancient India that is re-emerging now. The time-tested medical tradition of Ayurveda is the associated medical science of Yoga. In the Ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, which is called as Snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments in the body. Massage helps in reducing pain because it tames Vata ( Vatadosha is made of ether and air) , calms joint and muscle stiffness, increases blood circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body.  Our body responds to accumulation of toxins by eliciting feelings of pain or disease. Accumulation of any kind blocks the natural flow of body fluids, blood and physiological energy. The body needs proper movement to be able to create new resources...

Eazol Health Tonic: Health Tonic for Diabetic Patients

Almost all the health tonics come with sugar or having sugar extracts and hence are not recommended for diabetic patients. Getting a health tonic which not only enhance their health, improve their immunity but also helps in reducing the sugar level of their body is very difficult. Eazol Health Tonic is a unique combination of SIX super Ayurvedic herbs. All of which are combined in the proper quantity and in purest form to come up with this product, which is the unique solution of all aforesaid problems of diabetic patients. Six herbs which helps in reducing the sugar level and guarantee complete health for  diabetic patients are Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amla  (Phyllanthus emblica), Brahmi  (BacopaMonnieri), SafedMusali (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Shatawari (Asparagus Racemosus) & Dadim (Punica granatum). Ashwagandha plant is known scientifically as Withania somnifera and also as Indian ginseng and winter cherry. The word Ashwag...

Cure Your Child’s Sore Throat

Pollution, Cold weather, Fog, Weak Immunity or even a slightest of ignorance in taking care of your child during weather change can cause him/her sore throat. Sore throat is one of the most common diseases for a child to catch; Sore throat can get very tricky to treat as it accompanies cold, cough and fever and also weakens child’s immunity, which further makes him/her vulnerable for other diseases too. Let us know more about sore throat, what are the possible causes, cures and Ayurvedic remedies available for this problem.  Causes: ·          Viral Infections  – Viral Infections like common cold, influenza, measles, mumps etc can cause sore throat easily. ·          Bacterial infections  – Bacterial infections like strep throat can be the causative factors for sore throat. ·          Allergies  – Allergy to pollen, dust, etc c...


Smallest of problems can be the biggest cause of pain.  A small problem like Mouth ulcer can be really painful and at times very difficult to treat.  Mouth ulcers are small open lesions or wounds that are often caused by infections, injury, burns, eating hot & spicy foods, herpes and poor digestion. It can also be caused due to poor hygiene, mental stress or weak immunity.  Generally people try everything from  “Chameli k Patte”  to “ Kathe Wala Paan”  to get rid of these extremely painful little demons. But mostly all these efforts go in vain, as Mouth Ulcer either doesn’t go or re-occurs again, and all these  “Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe ” fail to show results.  It is very difficult to eat andchew anything for a person suffering from Mouth Ulcer. Smallest of problems can be the biggest cause of pain but they can be treated by smallest of efforts too.  Eazol Mouth Ulcer Gel  is one such small remedy that can treat Mouth Ulcers ...

Online Sale of Ayurvedic Products

Traditional way of purchasing and selling various things is changing very drastically in last decade or so. After the availability of high speed internet and free data from various Mobile companies, more and more people are opting for online sale. More and more people are getting aware about online shopping. People are opting for online platforms for their daily needs. Online platforms are selling very low price ticket products like bath soaps to very expensive products like jewellery.  Online sale has many advantages over the traditional way of purchasing: ·          Customer need not to go anywhere to purchase and easily purchase from its mobile or laptop. Especially good for working / old age/ disabled persons who has not much time to go personally for purchase. Any product is which is not available in vicinity can easily be ordered by few clicks. ·          Normally the products available ...

Modern Age Chyawanprash – Eazol Health Tonic

Chyawanprash – the age old Ayurvedic recipe that restores the health, immunity and youth, is one of the most popular health supplements. It has been consumed by all age groups, from children to elders, in order to enhance their physical and mental growth. As per ancient wisdom, this formula was developed by Rishi Chyawan in his old age to restore his youth and vitality. With modern research and development, all the qualities of Chyawanprash and many more have been packed and bundled into one bottle of supreme health –  Eazol Health Tonic . It consists of all the qualities of the old Ayurvedic formula of Chyawanprash, combined with active ingredients that boost cardiac functions, reproductive system, muscular growth and brain functioning.     Here are some of the key benefits of this modern liquidChyawanprash – Eazol Health Tonic. ·    Improves Digestion  – Eazol Health Tonic kindles the digestive fire, known as Jathragni* in Ayurveda and impr...